Sadness is something we’re all familiar with. Depression, on the other hand, is more complicated than you’d think at first glance. If you’re experiencing more than sadness – symptoms like loss of interest in hobbies, unexplained aches, or...
Can Anxiety Cause Stomach Pain?

Can Anxiety Cause Stomach Pain?

You may have anxiety if you’re experiencing a racing heartbeat, trouble sleeping, and fear over small situations. These symptoms can lead to stomach pain and indigestion. Fortunately, many of its physical symptoms can be relieved. What is Anxiety? “Anxiety is a...
When To Speak Up About CRPS

When To Speak Up About CRPS

You went in for what seemed to be routine surgery for a broken foot and the prognosis for recovery was good. But now, weeks later, you not only have trouble using your foot, but you’ve noticed swelling, changes in skin color and texture, constant pain, and other...
What Causes PTSD?

What Causes PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health illness that affects millions of people in the U.S. and doesn’t discriminate based on gender or age. Sudden, irrational fears of danger which do not exist, or constantly reliving a past traumatic...
Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Mood swings, crying spells, and trouble sleeping are common to new moms and often called the “baby blues,” but low energy, poor eating habits, irritability, and withdrawal from everyday life may be signs of a more serious mental illness called postpartum depression....